Friday, February 4, 2011

DAY 1-Chiang Mai

After a long, long journey, we finally made it! 1st stop Chiang Mai in northern Thailand. For those of you wondering what this blog title means let us explain a bit.....Kyle has a very tiny speedo that he's planning on rockin all over SE Asia (NSFW), and as some (like my brother) might argue, my head may be a little on the larger side (sort of like a lollipop on a stick)!

1st breakfast in Thailand: pork porridge, chicken with noodles & iced green tea = less than $3.00 (yum!)

Flower Festival: Chiang Mai

Our Chiang Mai home for a couple of days: 3 Sis B&B

Delicious lunch: traditional Khao soi noodles and pumpkin crackers!
A few beers after lunch: yes they came with their own Koozies!

Yummy 100% fruit smoothies: about $0.66!

Street food :)
Tuk Tuk!

We'll continue to upload pictures and posts as we continue our travels! We'll also set up a picture gallery for those pics that did not make it on the post! Next up for tomorrow....Organic Thai Farm cooking class!!


  1. So exciting!! Sheri, I didn't know you had bangs, I love them! Looks like you two are starting the trip out right! Looking forward to following your travels!

  2. pile - you are a banana hammock.
